The Australian Government is now in a caretaker period in advance of the forthcoming election. Until a new government is sworn in, government operations are conducted in accordance with the caretaker conventions.
Australia is firmly committed to effective global cooperation, including through the United Nations (UN), because we live in a complex, inter-connected world where many of the major challenges we face cannot be addressed by countries acting alone.
We are a founding member of the UN, an active participant in UN institutions for over 77 years and the 12th largest contributor to the UN regular and peacekeeping budgets. Australia held the first Presidency of the UN Security Council in 1946 and provided the first military personnel as peacekeepers under UN auspices a year later, to Indonesia.
The Australian Mission to the United Nations in New York serves as the nucleus of the Australian delegation to the regular sessions of the General Assembly and represents Australia at a range of UN meetings that take place when the Assembly is not in session.