Permanent Mission of Australia
to the United Nations
New York

240717 - UNSC: Quarterly Open Debate on the Middle East


17 July 2024

Statement by Permanent Representative to the UN, H. E Ambassador James Larsen, Australian Mission to the United Nations


Australia shares the international community’s grave concern at the catastrophic situation in Gaza.   

Australia has been resolute in calling for an immediate ceasefire.

The suffering in Gaza is unacceptable; this war must end.

Over a month has passed since the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 2735 supporting President Biden’s ceasefire proposal.

This is a viable path towards a comprehensive ceasefire, a permanent end to hostilities and the start of reconstruction in Gaza.

Australia commends Egypt, Qatar and the United States for their intensive efforts to negotiate an end to this conflict.

We will continue to work with partners to press for implementation of this ceasefire proposal.

Any delay will only see more lives lost, and more immense suffering.

Australia condemns the unacceptable deaths of innocent civilians as a result of Israel’s operations across the last week, including near schools.

All parties must adhere to international humanitarian law.  

Civilians and humanitarian workers must be protected, aid must flow at scale and hostages must be released.


The regional and global fallout of this crisis, including the dire humanitarian crisis demands renewed international efforts towards lasting and long-term peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to a two-state solution, including the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, where Israelis and Palestinians live side by side in peace, security and dignity.


The escalation of hostilities and incendiary rhetoric between Hizballah and Israel is deeply concerning.

These escalations threaten to spark another destructive war which will be devastating for the whole region. 

Australia continues to work with countries both in the region and abroad in support of international efforts to de-escalate the situation.  

We continue to urge regional countries to use their influence to promote regional stability.

Together, the international community must act collectively to prevent another catastrophe from engulfing the region.

Thank you.